The University of Denver has a distinctive platform for educating students: focused, small classes; ethical, values-based leadership; high-impact learning experiences; global citizenship; and an intentional and diverse community.
Now, we will amplify this approach to have greater impact. We will inspire creativity like never before. Artists, psychologists, educators and lawyers will work side by side with scientists, engineers, and business and civic leaders. What their research and scholarship uncover today will underpin the practical solutions for tomorrow.
We are already having a powerful impact.
Implementing a 10-year strategic plan is an exciting process. It takes the collective energy of many people, working simultaneously on dozens of projects that move forward at a variety of paces.
Where to start? First, we grouped our vision into 11 strategic “clusters”—like Designing and Developing Knowledge, DU and the Public Good, and Sustainable DU—and appointed leaders for each one. These collaborative, diverse and dedicated groups are, well, getting the work done.
The working groups articulate and research ideas. They gather input and feedback from stakeholders. They think critically and practically about how to turn those ideas into reality. Ultimately, their best ideas will be prioritized, budgeted for and funded.
Already, our people are solving today’s problems with tomorrow’s thinking. On these pages, we will keep you—our community members, stakeholders and friends—informed. We will report on the progress made within each cluster. The initiatives build on this great university’s strengths and bring DU IMPACT 2025 to life.