Strategic Plan Winter Update

Navigating DU, Navigating Life


In Transformative Direction 1, we committed to holistically educating, supporting and challenging our students so they can thrive academically, personally and professionally. We promised to enhance and expand our learning environment and provide students with the skills they need to navigate their lives and careers. We promised to create spaces that encourage students, faculty, staff and alumni to live and work with individuals of all backgrounds.

Faculty + Staff Collaboration

Beyond Co-Curricular Integration

Alumni + Student Connection

DU’s New Collegiate Recovery Community

A home base for students in recovery and members of the DU community who have been impacted by addiction.

A DU Exhibit Honors Veterans

This high impact co-curricular experience for undergraduate students celebrates the lives of veterans and recognizes the transformative power of undergraduate research.

A Meaningful Campus Community

The GlobalRes program provides a space for deeper conversations about culture, diversity and globalization.

Detail from More Than A Headstone, on view at Anderson Academic Commons

A Hub For The Campus Framework Plan

At the Denver Advantage exhibit in the Mary Reed building,
you can learn more about the Campus Framework Plan.